Well then, dear dear. As you can see, the blog has been pretty inactive recently, constantly hopping from theme to theme, changing its looks as often, and driven all the way through in pure silence -Almost as interesting as bananas- Although, I do beg to differ, mademoiselle est monsieur. It is much more interesting than just bananas, and its several connotations.

Tomorrow is day-off, which equals to free time. With free time by my side, and a good brain (harder to get, I know) along, things should be about just fine. That said, I will be tweaking around with a lot of code, as well as revamp the method this blog has been -so far- organizing things through; On top of that, I also intend to chuck together a way to showcase my work and make it easy to access. Not an easy mission, yes.

Blog stuff aside, this is a relatively funny thing that just happened to cross my mind as I wrote down this post. Apparently, some people think that the fact that my blog is in constant change, or that is never to be seen concluded; equally means I am undecided, insecure and virtually frenetic (whatever the cuss that means!). Well then, indeed, you do have a point -- I am a bloody perfectionist whose hardly satisfied with the mildly satisfying system of this blog; so I decide to fight against it. Some would say pointlessly, others would rather call me out on how hideous it looks to see someone struggling against things he/she can not fully grasp. After all, it takes time to think things through, is that not right? Right. It is. That is what I have been doing --and for lack of time-- have not yet ran up to apply those to this corner I own.

On a classic note, insecure and undecided are you, sir and ma'am, who religiously attend to forsaken obviously-inhered methods of analyzable  -due to pass judgment on- behaviors who you have no clue about. Did that sound confusing? Yes. You are 100% right. It is confusing, as confusing as the reason that lead you to waste your mellow time to pickle someone who's not intruding in your life, out of their own hot spoofy room.

You naughty.


Immay said...

ARRRRRR. Update YARRR blargg fuckaaarrr

jmmay said...

Ahhh sayaaarrd, updayte yar blarg muthafuckah. The internet has had enough peace and quiet. start polluting that shit again beyyyatch.