They say evolution is within our own roots; though that is always a knot hard to fully grasp. It is, however, possible -- it just depends on how you mentally project the image of you within, and how much of your old-self you are willing to crack-on onto your newly created-self. If we were to cut my life to periodic bits, now would be that time where I'm combining the two of them together onto something more honest -- not necessarily better or greater. It's hard to go through, but well worth it once you've gone up, over and past the highest of the hills. I'll be showing you, care readers and viewers, the enhancements I've slowly been casting upon those old frown-apart pieces I had dusting on the shelf. I'm taking the heel, so we'll start-out wild!

La Familia Mafiosa; it's one of those families that were born to cast on-movies. They are strong-willed individuals, each playing a guerrilla astoundingly more revolutionary than the other. For those who have watched "Inglorious Basterds", directed by Quantin Tarantino (link) -- somethings might look very familiar. Don't let your heads go over whether I'm a Tarantino-wannabe or not. Clearly, I am not. We share a common eloquence and love for character construction, and that's that. I was looking forward to show you a preview of this ever-hilariously-lasting chapter I wrote back in Lisbon -- but I've looked and looked, found millions and billions of zillions of things (some of them very interesting!), but not a single word or letter in regards LFM (short-name for La Familia Mafiosa). So; I'll leave you with their logo/illustration for now, and whenever I get a hand on those precious writings, I'll let you know.


1 comment:

Cody Lee said...

i just wrote a response to this three times, and all three times it got deleted, yet still i feel the need to write something for atleast the piece of art, which i have to say, it has this ineffable obscurity that brings so much damnn creativity to my imagination muscle its unbelievable. and in this moment thats just what i wanted, It was like walking into this pub and just as you were about to sit down the bartender gave you the drink that had coelested itself into your mind but you werent aware of it,right before you walked in. this artwork was like that for me, it just felt right